Tuesday, May 12, 2009

YWAM Perth

Sorry for the delay in updating. The past week has been very busy as we have been preparing for and hosting an outreach team from YWAM Perth, Australia. (Ironically, none of them were Australian.) The team arrived Wednesday afternoon and left Monday morning.

We had a great time sharing with them and partnering with them in ministry. They brought energy and passion as they joined in the ministries of our local staff.

Our whole family was able to serve together throughout the week as we planned, marketed, cooked, prayed, and played. Now we are taking some time to rest, do laundry, sort through pictures, and catch up on communications.At our Welcome Dinner Thursday night, the team performed a powerful drama for our staff and the SSM students who are taking classes during the summer.Our local staff members and friends got out the gongs and soon everyone was dancing.
The video shows Kevin and Glenice teaching a couple of the team members (George and Becca) a courtship dance.
Friday morning, the team accompanied us to the Health Clinic. We had fun as we taught them to take blood pressures and glucose readings.

Saturday we headed to the village of Can-eo. But that is another post.


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