Thursday, September 22, 2011

Popcorn Birthday Cake

Although I am trying to work my way through a backlog of post possibilities for this blog, I wanted to take the opportunity to brag on my beloved and creative wife.  Lisa loves to honor birthdays and with the team here, there are more opportunities than usual.

In our last post, we mentioned that a cake was shared to celebrate the birthdays of 3 team members.  That would have been fine, but one member of the team has gluten allergies so she could not have any.  Seeking to include the team member in the birthday celebrations of her teammates, Lisa did some research and came up with a solution:  a popcorn cake.  (Think Rice Crispies Treats using popcorn and m&m's.)

Everybody was able to enjoy a slice of the cake as we (re)celebrated Amy's birthday on her actual birthday.

Happy Birthday, Amy!
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful wife!  It is great how she works so hard to make others feel special.


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