Sunday, March 18, 2012

Method: Media - Message: Unchanged

I was blessed with an opportunity to minister to a couple of villages when our friend, Greg, offered to pass through Bontoc on his way north. He and a friend have a film showing ministry with churches north of us. He graciously offered to take a few days in Bontoc to show gospel films in our area before continuing on his way.

We started by showing a film about commitment to Christ to our Student Sponsorship Ministry students the evening Greg and Arnold arrived.
The freshly planted Maligcong rice terraces
Our first trip was to Maligcong. A wedding was taking place the same weekend, so we were not sure how many people would leave the wedding festivities and hike through the fields to watch a movie. We were thankful when the church was full during the showing and Pastor Frederick was able to share with the people afterwards.
Pastor Frederick, Arnold, Greg, Jordan, Jay-ar, and Pastora Cynthia in Maligcong

The next morning, we left Maligcong and headed straight to Saclit, our next destination.

We arrived in Saclit in mid-morning and had to wait for evening to show the film. In the meantime, I showed Jay-ar and Jordan how to make a rocket stove. They are both connected with our YWAM Student Sponsorship Ministry and wanted to join us in ministering in the villages for the weekend. At dinner, they were eager to use the rocket stoves to cook our meal - and did a great job.
Jay-ar and Jordan cooking dinner on the rocket stoves
Just before dark we set up the projection equipment in an open area in the middle of the village. We showed the Jesus film which tells the story of Jesus based on the book of Luke. There were people sitting on benches, stones, stairs, walls, and hanging out of windows as the movie played. Because there was no moon it was too dark to attempt counting how many people were there, but when flashlights and torches shone in different places you could see people gathered in every direction from which you could view the screen.
After the movie Pastor Steve talked with the people
I was excited about the opportunities these days provided.  First, it was great to share using media to help people in both villages understand the gospel. It also provided an opportunity to include Jay-ar and Jordan in ministry.


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