Sunday, November 2, 2008


One of the things we have enjoyed about our time here is more time spent playing games together as a family. Lately we have not played as often as when we first came. So after dinner last night we learned a new game, Spoons. Lisa had looked up the rules on the internet earlier while the kids played outside. It was a riot - a little bit of thought, a little bit of action, and a lot of laughter.

The SSM students have also enjoyed learning to play different games. It is interesting to see how much you can learn about somebody when you play a few games with them.

Some of our favorites are Skip-Bo, Toss-Up, Uno, Wig-Out, Jenga, sungka (a variation of mancala), spoons (a new favorite).

What games does your family enjoy?


  1. I haven't played spoons since I was a kid. It was always so fun and something the "grown-ups" would be willing to play with us. I'll have to try and teach the Butterfly that one. We play sequence when we are together with our family and Catch Phrase. Those are our favorites. Pit and Toss UP are pretty fun too.

  2. Skip-Bo, sungka (a new favorite), spoons is always a fun one- though I don't think we have ever played as a family- Sequence, and Josiah enjoys chess with Grandpa, and Stratego with anyone he can get to play!
