Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bus Trip for Cash

Thomas left on the 5 a.m. bus to Baguio. Still not able to access any cash here in Bontoc, so to the big city to visit the ATM there. Hopefully, he will be successful in getting cash without difficulty there. He should arrive about lunch and have about 3 hours before catching the last bus back to Bontoc. This is the first time he has attempted the round trip in one day. It is also the first time he has made the trip without the rest of us. I sent along a list of a few things to pick up at the mall while he is there but shopping is not ever on his top ten list of things to do. Imagine sending your husband with a list for a store over 6 hours away in a foreign country and there's not a tool or electronic gadget on the list....


  1. i hope he will be able to get $ for you guys.... WE GOT OUR PASSPORTS, & WE ARE LOOKING FOR TICKETS YEAH
