This is not the ATM in Bontoc, but there is a similar feeling recently.
Today after once again having our ATM card rejected, we noticed a new sign posted: We will see whether international transactions are once again accepted before our cash runs out. We haven't made a trip to Baguio yet. The card may work there. If it does, that would resolve the issue. If it doesn't, I will have made the 6 hour trip and spent more of our available cash for nothing. Right now, we are waiting and praying.
This situation creates quite an irony. Lisa has been busily planning for our next school year. Because there is no usable library in Bontoc, the number of resources we plan to order is larger than it has been. So we are able to spend a rather large amount on school supplies from another country using the same card that won't buy us a carrot here in town.
The good news is that this is all God's problem. He called us here. He knows our needs and has promised to take care of us. We are called to be obedient stewards. So we need to do what He says, but He promises to carry the burden.
Please pray with us that the issue will be resolved soon. (That's part of doing what He says, pray.)
praying for you guys in this! know what a challenge getting to your money can be at times. we had almost 6 weeks of that recently and were in debt to nearly all our acquaintances as a result. :) He does provide tho!