Because we have all been reading books about medieval times, Alayna decided she would like to celebrate her birthday in that theme. So Friday night we celebrated with all of YWAM Mountain Province at Fun Night. For the games, the group was divided and each team made a coat of arms. Then the serious tournament activities began.
First, each team had to rescue the damsels that were held in the lair of fierce, fire breathing balloon dragons. Afterwards, the teams became living dragons as the chased the other dragon trying to catch their tail. In both, our fair damsel led her team to victory.
Next there was a combined seige against each team's castle. It was a wild contest! Unfortunately, the pictures we took did not capture the mayhem. But when we had to have a rematch to determine a winning team, everybody was eager to prove their team worthy - and have a chance to play again.
Next was a truly knightly challenge, jousting. Each team chose their champions who would ride their fearless chargers into the face of certain danger. Against their challengers, the knights directed their lances to score the surest blow. One of the other guys on staff, Noel, and I were put forth to demonstrate the process. Everyone understood the gravity of the challenge before them.
At the end of all of the challenges, the teams were tied. Something needed to be done to declare one team the victor in the tournament. Honor was at stake. Each team chose a champion who would gain honor or face disgrace for the team. A swordfighting duel between Jordan and Alfie determined that the SSM Republic earned the honors of the tournament. Igorots for Christ will need to seek their fortunes another day.
In the end, all that really mattered was that everyone had a good time - and there was cake! What cake would be more appropriate than a castle cake? It was quite a trick getting it to the base. As we were preparing to leave, it began to rain. Usually we walk to the base, but this time I opted for a trike. I don't fit well in trikes. Getting into a trike while holding a tall cake and an umbrella, in the rain, in the dark - that's a new level of fun. But the castle walls held their ground even if a few stones did slip down a bit by the time we arrived.
Saturday morning, we had pancakes at Alayna's request.
Lunch continued with the medieval theme. We had a feast, medieval style.
It even included a juggling court jester, a dancing princess, a poet, and a troubador. Each provided entertainment in turn between the courses of the meal.
Alayna is an exuberent princess with a beautiful smile. We are so proud of who she is and who she is becoming. She is fun to be with and loves to laugh.
It is a blessing to be able to be a part of her life and mark the milestones of her life with celebration.
Happy Birthday to a beautiful young lady ~ with a beautiful name!
ReplyDeleteLooks like a fun time for all involved! Your birthday supper looks delicious! Who made the cake? Great job! What a smart idea to put it on a cutting board. I will remember that!
Happy birthday.. I know I'm late, but didn't want to miss the chance to send my wishes across the sea. Love peaking into your lives.