Not far down the road we had to stop and wait for the road crew. Sunday there had been a mudslide that brought part of the mountain down on the road. They had been working to remove the massive amount of dirt, but when we came, the surface of the road was still 15 feet below the temporary path over the slide. You cannot go around a slide unless you are a goat (on the mountainside) or a bird (on the valley side). So after the dump truck had a full load, the path was smoothed out somewhat and the waiting traffic could pass.
After we arrived, Pastor Rudy gave the team an orientation. Soon afterward they left on a prayer walk around the 3 main sitios of the village. I was not feeling well, so I took the opportunity to rest. As I rested I thanked God for the nice weather, then drifted off to sleep. I woke about 30 minutes later to a downpour outside the window. But the team stayed dry by stopping at people's houses and talking until the rain let up. They would move on until the rain picked up again, then stop at another house. In this way they made it back to the church.
Lisa got some video of the rice field we planted on our last visit.
In the evening, there was a church service. After working hard in the fields all day or at their looms, people came to worship. The team led worship, performed dramas, and shared testimonies of what God had done in their lives.
One of the things we enjoy about our experience with YWAM is the broad exposure to different cultures. Even in Can-eo, we were treated to a little bit of African culture. Bamshak taught us this song, Bambalela, during the evening service.
For some time I have been praying about something that I have not shared with you. During our last trip to Can-eo, I found that there is a sitio of Can-eo that does not have a current Christian presence. They have requested to have YWAM come and talk with them. But this process is not as simple as just walking into the village, I guess. (I don't understand it all.) For several months now, I have been praying for Chapyosen and the few believers that may remain there. I have been praying that God would provide an opportunity for us to begin visiting the village.
He answered that prayer with the preparation for the arrival of this team. When we asked if the team could come, we were welcomed. Wednesday morning we had Pastor Rudy (theYWAM pastor of the church in Can-eo) and two guides with family in Chapyosen escort us to the village. The estimates for how long it would take to walk there varied from 30 minutes to 2 hours. With our group, it took 1.5 hours of hiking along some narrow paths. But the scenery, as always, was beautiful.
Annalise was able to hitch a ride some of the way there. At one point, one of our guides was carrying her. She wanted down, but he could not understand her English for a while. So he continued to carry her.
When we arrived in Chapyosen we found that most of the people were not home, but were out in their fields working. Espirita however, was a gracious host and gave us some coffee and snacks. More than anything, it was nice to sit for a while.
On the return trip, Bamshak was very concerned about Annalise. Much more concerned than she was about herself. She just trotted along the path like the joyful 7 year old that she is. Sometimes she was walking; other times, skipping. Sometimes she was watching the path and her footing; other times, not. Generally, she was telling stories to her closest companions. She stumbled more than he could bear. He found it much easier to carry her than to worry about her. (I thought about stumbling to see if anyone would give me a ride.)
At the prayer meeting that evening, Adriana enjoyed talking with some of the girls about the weaving projects they were working on. It resembled latch-hook work.
Alayna and Claudius
Before heading back to Bontoc on Thursday, we visited the house of one the members of the congregation of Can-eo Station Church. We had a time of worship and prayed for the family, especially the father. Due to a brain tumor, he is now blind.
I know the picture below is sideways. Blogger refuses to load it any other way. But it was too good of a picture to leave out.
Once again, we enjoyed our time in Can-eo and look forward to the next opportunity to return.
The week is not over yet...
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