Monday, April 21, 2008

Mary, Martha, and Tom

Today I finished my tour of duty as a contract RP technician. It was good to see my friends at the plant again. I believe the Holy Spirit was at work in setting the scene for several conversations I was a part of during the outage. I pray that He will work in the hearts of those involved that they may see the Father more clearly.

Now for the work of getting ready to go. Personally, I am looking forward to this next week as a large part of my preparation. Because of my schedule during the outage, I have not been at church for the past several weeks. Additionally, I have not made time for regular prayer and study. I am looking forward to spending more time than usual at the feet of the Father. I hope to use my evenings when I am away at the EMS Expo this week to reconnect with Him. It is easy to focus on the logistics of moving and let the One for whom we are moving fade in importance. I miss the times - or rather, lifestyle - of worship and prayer I experienced during our Crossroads Discipleship Training School. Talking with God and listening for His voice was becoming a natural part of my day. I long to regain the intimacy that has faded. This intimate walk with Him is the most important part of our (my) preparation. That is an easy thing to forget.


1 comment:

  1. Yes the Mary/Martha struggle is a challenge. So glad you'll be going back - too bad this work time was extra difficult.

    Yes too the Crossroads DTS is a time away from the normal and a thing not easily duplicated BUT without class time and speakers the format can be duplicated. We're sure you will do so and soak in the wonder of it all.

    Have you read The Shack by William Young? If you haven't had time now is the perfect opportunity. Wonderful perspective of God being who He wants to be.

    Bless you saints in Jesus Overwhelming Love,

    Denny and Twink

    PS Just started back blogging as we prepare to return to Salem this summer for CDTS with Howard and Sue.

    Soar in Trust
