Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Kingdom of Heaven

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."
Matthew 13:44

I have heard that passage taught many times over the years. But yesterday our instructor, Gus Hunter, shared an insight I have never considered. As you consider the audience that Jesus was speaking to, as well as the majority of the earth's population, purchasing the field is not even a consideration. Only the wealthy could consider such a purchase. Granted, in America, most are wealthy enough to make such a purchase. But I certainly don't get that impression about the people who listened to what Jesus had to say.

So if the listener did not consider themselves the man who purchased the field, who then could it be? What if the finder was God Himself? Could the treasure be us? Are we indeed worth God Himself giving everything so that He could have us for Himself? But isn't that exactly what Jesus did? Doesn't Scripture say that He humbled Himself and made Himself nothing so that He could purchase our salvation?

I am sure that many of you have considered this interpretation before, but it was new to me. I am reminded again of the value God has placed upon us. This passage may not be saying how committed we need to be to pursuing the Kingdom, but how much the King is committed to pursuing us.


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