For the first several days, things were very relaxed.
Yesterday the pastors and leadership associated with Valley Cathedral Ministries met with our group in the morning to share opportunities where our group can minister. This began a tsunami of activity as our group is now investigating and partaking in these opportunities. Almost everyone in the group now has a child whom they are tutoring. Many have accepted invitations to lead Bible studies. There are several food distributions with which we will be participating.
Fortunately, laundry is a simple issue. As there are no electric washing machines, all laundry is done by hand. There are several ladies who live within walking distance who we have hired to do our laundry for us. This is a great situation for all involved; they are able to earn an income and we are able to focus on ministry activities.
On a side note, Tim and Becky, the boys’ house parents, are in the process of creating a blog about their life here at the orphanage. When it is ready, I will let you know the address in case you are tired of reading ours and want something interesting to look at from time to time.
Grace, Tom
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