More from Manila
Yesterday our day started bright and early. Most of our family was awake at 3 a.m. Our bodies still haven’t adjusted to the time change! We tried our best to have everyone remain resting in bed but at 5 a.m. we resorted to turning on the television. We watched an interesting program called World’s Apart. It is a reality show where they take a family from the States and send them to live with a different culture for 9 days. And to think we’re doing that for 8 weeks! But instead of being video taped we are being continually stared at while out and about. Instead of some editor deciding we get to share only the details we choose with the world via the internet.
We gathered for breakfast at 8 a.m. (2 eggs, rice, and bread). We’ve had rice with every meal since we’ve arrived.
Worship and meeting at 9:15 a.m.
We broke up into 2
teams for a prayer walk. Doc, Thomas, and Alayna talked to some street people. I say talked, but there wasn’t clear communication as none of them spoke English. Thomas did make several balloon animals and handed them out to the children that gathered. Then they joined the rest of the team at St. Paul University of Manila.
When we had first passed the university I had seen several of the young ladies in their school uniforms. I was prompted to pray for a freedom from legalism. I continued to pray that they would know God as He truly is, loving and good. Not as a ruler with a long list of do’s and don’ts.
While Emerald and others went inside, Annalise and I remained outside in the courtyard to talk to the students. They all immediately were taken with the adorable young blonde and took her picture.
We were all summoned for a tour of the university. We stopped and prayed in the chapel. We were able to interact
with some street people at the university’s community center. Thomas created more balloon animals for the children there. It has been challenging here for the girls as there is no place for them really to run and play. Our room has little free floor space. The lobby is met with more reminders “Only look with you your eyes. No touching.” Out on the streets they need to hold our hands. Yet as I look around, many of the street vendors have very small children with them. They have to sit in the heat all day long. I will not soon forget the look on their faces when handed a balloon, such joy!
We did a little bartering with the vendors. Alayna bought a bracelet for 20 pesos down from 35 pesos. Thomas purchased sunglasses for Annalise.
Later the group gathered back at the mall for supper at Kenny Rogers’ restaurant. Annalise was excited to have familiar macaroni and cheese but fell asleep after only a few bites. Once again, Thomas carried her back to the Shalom Center where we are staying. This has been a few days filled with ironies. We traveled all this way and we have been to the mall more than the previous 6 months. The showers are cold but we have cable television in our room! This is a luxury we do not have back at home.
I am looking forward to loving on all the children at Valley Cathedral Children’s Home this afternoon. The 2 hour drive to the orphanage begins after lunch. This will be our home for the next few weeks.

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