Thursday, January 24, 2008

Life Goes On

While it is difficult to be here, when we are wanting to be in the Philippines, we believe God has something here for us while we wait. Thomas has put his application in to work the spring outage at the nuclear plant. This would mean working many hours for about a month. We are hoping to earn enough to cover our travel and visa expenses. We also signed up Annalise, Alayna, and Alexie for soccer, volunteering to coach. Me heading up Annalise's kindergarten team and Thomas the Keepsake team he has coached for the last 4 years. Our Garden of Grace Girls Academy has been busy with hopes of completing the year's coursework before we get on the airplane.


1 comment:

  1. i'm glad you enjoyed the "chicken crossing the road" jokes.

    i love all of your daughters' names, and i love that they all start with the same letter. you sound like you have a very interesting and exciting life--a faith walk for sure. i blog with two people who live in different parts of the philippines.
