Thursday, June 21, 2007

From Alexie - Every Day

Every day, we have class at 8:30 a.m. We start with a time of worship. Then the Elephants (Annalise and Alayna's group) has their teaching time; then my group (the cool white huskies);
then Adriana's group, the Pirate Monkeys. Then we snack time and game time. Then we have lunch. Then at 1:15 we have an oral presentation on a country.

My top 10 list:
game time
crazy days
learning about God
the park
the time with my family
climbing wall
the Koreans
learning about Sudan



  1. Hi Alexie,
    Cool white huskies? What fun names. Did you choose them? The last thing on your list - learning about Sudan really caught my interest. I hope you share it someday. Glad you are staying well and having a great time.
    Love you, don't fall off the wall!

  2. Hi Alexie! Jordan was very excited about your email. She didn't get it until Tuesday, as her computer time is pretty limited! She will like the picture of you climbing the wall! Love you!
